you wonder

how much will it cost

jordan madrid - unsplash
jordan madrid - unsplash

It is somewhat of a valid concern, as popular culture will have you believe that we ride around in shiny sports cars and helicopters. Thank you Magnum P.I.

Most of us do not however, nor do we aspire to.

‍Each individual is unique, which makes each case different from one another. Hudson Investigations determines the cost of an investigation on a case-by-case basis. We charge hourly rates, flat rates or a combination of the two. A retainer fee is collected before we start working on your case, and any portion of it that is unused will be refunded to you.

Hudson Investigations offers you a no commitment initial consultation, during which we will discuss your needs in order to be able to offer you the fairest price, as well as the most efficient way to proceed.

We encourage you to use the HPI contact form. We have designed it in a way that will help you target your need, as well as allow us to know if we are a good fit for you.

Neither the completion of the form nor the initial consultation bind you to continue with us and no payment will be required before a contract is signed.

More information coming soon.

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Current availability

We’re open for business and new collaborations.